Professional Service Area:
Facility Audit and Strategic Advice.
Project Name:
Croke Park Asset Strategy.
Croke Park.
Project Details:
A root and branch review of the stadium and drafting of stadium renovation road map for Croke Park facility management team.
Project Duration:
8 Months throughout 2016.
Project Role:
REPP as Project Lead.
Project Team:
Noel Lawlor Consulting Engineers – Services Engineers.
Denis McCague & Associates – Architect / Building Surveyors.
Project Successes:
Croke Park is the largest stadium in Ireland and the 3rd largest in Europe. The asset strategy review of a stadium facility had never been undertaken in Ireland previously.
REPP had to develop its own methodology to structure the project with no previous projects of this type and structure to refer to.
Considering international stadium standards and best practice, The project report refined to single page summary of stadium refurbishment programme with a cash flow model and timeline for Croke Park Board. A detailed 100,000 word report and reference document detailed analysis and findings was provided to Croke Park to refer to over the life of the future stadium renovations.

26 Ranelagh, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 WY97 | Tel: +353 (0) 1 681 4664 | Email:
PSR Licence number 003767